Frequently Asked Questions
My Son/Daughter/friend is in desperate need of help. What are our options?
What is your definition of success, and what does it take to graduate the program?
I don’t have anywhere to go, what do I do?
You may contact the office, and we can advise you on the next step.
My Son/Daughter/friend is in desperate need of help. What are our options?
Unless a situation has escalated to the point where the police or social services will intervene, very little can be done to help until the person is willing to get help. As someone who wants to help, the best you can do is gather information to offer the person to help them connect with some kind of program when they are ready.
What is the process for entering the Omega Project?
Click Here to go to the Apply page of our site and follow the directions there.
After filling out the application and submitting it, begin to participate in the regularly scheduled meetings that are open to the public. Click Here for our contact page to get in touch with our office for meeting times and locations.
Do you assist with detoxing?
No, we do not assist with detox. For detoxing, please contact:
Valley Hope of Moundridge in Moundridge, KS
Central Kansas Foundation in Salina, KS
Center for Change in Wichita, KS
How much does your program cost?
The Omega Project desires to be affordable for everyone! We do our best to keep costs as low as possible. Currently, we charge $105 per week.
The program cost includes a safe place to live, program materials, classes, and one-on-one coaching as needed. We require financial transparency and regular budgeting, which means we will need to know the details of your income and expenses.
Do you have a fax machine?
No, we do not have a fax. Contact us by email or by mail.
How long does the program take to complete?
We ask residents to plan on 18 months in the program and, if possible, to continue to attend groups for 6 months after moving out of the Omega Project houses. During this time, you will be expected to find and maintain a job and stay current with rent and any fines or child support.
What is your definition of success and what does it take to graduate the program?
We consider a resident a success when they have laid the foundation needed to live a healthy, addiction free lifestyle. That includes 1 year of clean time, completion of the curriculum, a solid accountability team, and the financial base needed to be ready to move out.
I am married and/or have children. What kind of contact can I expect to have with them while in the program?
Omega Project homes are only for the participants in our program, but visits are common and need to be pre-approved by the Omega Project leadership.
As a rule, we do not allow children to stay in the house permanently with their parent. However, we may allow weekend visits based on the resident's progress and the current atmosphere of the house.
Spouses are not allowed to stay overnight in any of the Omega houses for the sake of the other program participants. The amount of contact you may have with your spouse is determined on an individual basis, factoring in the healthiness of the relationship and the participant's progress. Residents will be asked to take drug or alcohol screenings after any "trips" away from the program..